The Tribune-Democrat of Johnstown has covered the 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health extensively in the recent past. Below is a roundup of the coverage:
- November 5: Agents of wellness: Center targets healthier communities through education, economics. Key quote: “‘For our long-range goal to make our community healthier, so many other things come into play,’ center Executive Director Trina Thompson said.”
- November 12: ‘Everybody has to get involved’: Different roles required to improve area’s health. Key quote: “With its initial surveys completed and priorities identified, the 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health is ready to move forward with its ambitious goal of making the region healthier.”
- November 12: 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health project could be example to others. Key quote: “‘We are hoping what we learn in Johnstown can be applied across the nation,’ said David Nash, dean of the Jefferson College of Population Health at Thomas Jefferson University.”