
CDC and FDA Support Additional Bivalent COVID-19 Booster for Adults 65 and Older, Immunocompromised

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have released updated COVID-19 vaccine recommendations. Highlights include: People 65 years of age and older who have received a single dose of an updated (bivalent) vaccine may receive one additional bivalent dose at least four months after their initial bivalent dose. [...]

Bottlemouth can cause tooth decay in babies

Baby Bottle Tooth Syndrome (Bottlemouth Syndrome or Nursing Caries) is tooth decay caused by a child going to bed with a bottle filled with milk, juice, or anything except water. The syndrome usually affects children between ages one and two. Infants who fall asleep while breastfeeding are also at risk. According to Colgate, “when a [...]

County Health Rankings released

Each year, the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute releases its County Health Rankings. The rankings give a closer look at how the health of a county is influenced by habits like smoking, drinking alcohol, exercise, physician access, and other factors called Social Determinants of Health. Cambria County now ranks 64 out of 67 counties [...]

March is National Nutrition Month®

50 years ago, National Nutrition Month® became an annual campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. March is a time to learn more about developing healthy habits, like making informed food choices by eating healthy food and making a point to include physical activity into your daily routine. Each year County Health Rankings [...]

Johnstown Leaders Launch Quality Affordable Housing Task Force

A team of Johnstown leaders and organizations has launched a new “Quality Affordable Housing Task Force”.  The goal is to move forward on effective approaches to addressing the challenges of affordable housing in the context of persistent and concentrated poverty, blight, public safety and crime concerns, and the need for more market rate and workforce [...]

Community Care HUB achieves Level 1 Certification

The Community Care HUB (HUB), an initiative of the 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health (CPH), received its Level 1 Certification from the Pathways Community HUB Institute® (PCHI®). “Receiving Certification from the Pathways Community HUB Institute is truly an honor,” said Jeannine McMillan, Executive Director, 1889 Jefferson Center for Population Health. “This means that the [...]

Here to help brighten their future: Meet new CHW Tracey

Tell me about yourself! I’ve lived in Johnstown for the last 21 years. I’m from the state of Maryland. I’m married without any little kiddos, but do have grandchildren here in Johnstown. I enjoy cooking. I’m very much a home-body. What drew you to the CHW position in the first place? Do you have any [...]

211 serves as a connection point to services and resources

February 11, also known as 211 Day, is a time to learn what dialing 2-1-1 can do for you when you need help. The one stop call center serves as a hub that connects those in need with a variety of services and resources. From heating assistance to food resources and beyond, if you require [...]

2023-02-10T13:37:19+00:00February 10th, 2023|Categories: Adults, Health, Housing, News, Population Health, Seniors, Uncategorized, Wellness|Tags: , |

SNAP Emergency Allotments (EAs) payments ending

The last SNAP Emergency Allotments (EAs) payment will be sent out in February. A second SNAP payment was authorized to SNAP households when the COVID-19 Pandemic started in 2020. The payments were authorized  under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. A recent change in federal law will be ending the second payment [...]

World Cancer Day acknowledges cancer disparities

World Cancer Day originated February 4, 2000 at the World Summit Against Cancer for the New Millennium in Paris. 23 years later the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) is still working to unite the cancer community and reduce cancer rates globally. A three-year campaign called “Close the Care Gap” has been in full swing [...]

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